With funding in hand, UNE’s photography collection expands, September, 2019
The Art Of The Selfless Selfie by By Edgar Allen Beem, Decore Magazine, Octber, 2019
Interview by the host of Maine Coast TV Chris Wolf for the Collective Work Photo Exhibit featuring Paul Caponigro, Dirk McDonnell, and Ni Rong, Studio 162, Rockport, Maine, January 2019.
Lenscratch: Awareness: Allan Gill, Janna Ireland, Laura Parker, ni Rong, bill Sosin and Robert von Sternberg, November, 2019
PenBay Pilot: Pop-up art show returns artistic life to vacant Rockport gallery, January, 2019
Behind The Slides: The story of Photographer Ni Rong, PenBay Pilot: PECHA KUCHA PRESENTER, Camden Maine, December, 2018
Why Create? Commentary by Marilyn Moss Rockefeller, June, 2016